Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Joshua Appleseed

Today Joshua's class celebrated Johnny Appleseed. Most of the first grade dressed up to celebrate the occasion. He wore a pot on his head (well, he held it) a flannel shirt, jeans, and a rope belt. Everything they are doing this week revolves around apples. (counting apple seeds, taste testing, making applesauce etc). I was able to go in to his classroom today to help. Thanks mom, for coming to help with the kids. I enjoy going into the classroom. I was able to work one on one with the students and I really enjoyed it. They take a book home and read it and after 3 times reading it, they take a quiz on it. I set up the computer for their books and helped them with it, and recorded the scores. I was so happy to work with the kids instead of just doing busy work like cutting stuff out or things like that. I also enjoyed today at preschool. Melody was across the hall working on a craft that took all morning, so she left the class to me for the entire day. I loved that as well. I was proud that I could handle all 12 kids (13 including Jenna) all by myself. I was able to get all their seat work done, I got do do calendar/weather time with them, story time, snack time, and everything. I even got to take them out on the soccer field for bubbles and balls day (B theme), down the hall for a drink, and on the playground. I really wish I could go back to school to get my teaching certificate because I really enjoy all of this. I am glad I got the degree in the business field, but I really wish I would have stuck with my original plan! Oh, and Jack comes home in just a few more hours!!!!!!!!


sara said...

Joshua looks cute!