Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Hug Makes Everything OK

I had a bad day yesterday. Everything just starting piling up on me. Preschool went fine. Our "criers" made a lot of progress. I'll be ecstatic when they stop crying all together. I've heard the stomach bug is going around, which freaks me out. Joshua had a bad day at school, and then we seemed to go about 9 rounds together yesterday. I keep thinking of all I need to do for this shower, and then it hit me. I am stressing about the shower!!! There are a million things to do around here, and I can't even start until Friday, or I'll have to do them all over again. Thankfully, the kids and I are off on Friday, so maybe we can breathe and get it done! Jack came home and gave me a hug, and everything seemed to be ok.

I get this way every time someone comes over...for lunch, dinner, or a shower. I REALLY enjoy doing this, but I think I put way too much pressure on myself. So, today, I will tackle what I can....mowing the grass, getting groceries, and tackle more tomorrow. Joshua is entitled to have a bad day too, and I told him that I understood, and he was to do better today. If the kids do get the stomach bug, well, they get it. (They already have the hacking cough!) I can't control that. We'll move the shower to yet another house, and I will get them all better and back into our already packed routine! So, if you are having a bad day, have someone give you a hug, and count your blessings!!!