Start spreading the News...I'm leaving today...I want to be apart of it New York, New York...Ok, I know I don't have a great singing voice, but I couldn't help it. I talked to Jack tonight and found out he has two more trips coming up and of course, one of his trips is to New York in April. The second trip is to Atlanta and I am not sure when that one is, but I am thinking that could make a nice vacation for us and the kids. We could drive to Atlanta and the company would pay for everything but the kids meals. I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO NEW YORK with Jack. I am not really sure if it is New York City, but I would still love to go. I have been to New York once before, but it was a quick trip. So, please join me in praying that I could go.
Of course the BIGGEST obstacle will be child care, and it always is. This is one reason I can't go with all the women on Friday to Virgina (sniff sniff). God can make a way when there seems to be no way, even when right now it seems impossible. Would anyone like to be the first to volunteer to watch three adorable children with lots of energy for a couple of days?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Start Spreading the News?????
Posted by Jennifer at 6:48 PM 2 comments
Green Eggs and Ham
Posted by Jennifer at 4:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008

Posted by Jennifer at 6:19 PM 3 comments
A Long Week
It will be a long week. Jack leaves today for San Fran. He'll be back late Friday night. I feel like a single mom when he is gone. It's really hard, especially at night time. I wish I could go Friday too, but it wasn't meant for me to go. I wish I had a painting job to do while he was gone, but maybe a good house cleaning will pass the time away.
Posted by Jennifer at 4:37 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Sleep Over
Posted by Jennifer at 4:44 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
A Typical Day
Another week is almost over! Jack is going to the men's conference tonight at BHBC and I didn't want to spend a Friday night by myself, so I called Traci. Scott is also going tonight so we are meeting in Cary for dinner. Joshua is so excited to see Travis again and I wanted to get out before Jack goes to SF. Travis may spend the night with Joshua too so if that happens, you know the boy's will be bouncing off the ceilings. Other than that, we won't have many other plans. I hope to get some errands done, like scheduling Jenna's birthday party for April. I thought I would post what my day is like. Some day I will look back on this and laugh.
A day in the life:
6:30 wake up
6:30-7:00_ get dressed, blog, send morning emails, shower, maybe treadmill (if it is a really good day!)
7 -8 finish getting ready, fix breakfast, fix lunches, motivate kids to get jobs done, and ready for school:
8-8:10- take Joshua to school and then head to preschool
8:30-12:15 work at preschool
12:15-2:35, run any errands, get groceries, clean house, fix lunch, work on treadmill, laundry, whatever I can finish in that time
2:35 – leave for carpool line
2:40-3:15, sit in line, TRY to read a magazine or look through mail or take a catnap
3:15- get Joshua from school
3:30-5:00, finish any jobs that need to get done around house
5:-5:30- work on homework with Joshua
5:30-6 fix dinner
6-6:30 eat dinner
6:30-7:00 clean up kitchen
7-8 pm finish reading homework, pj’s on, baths, bedtime
8-10 usually watch tv, talk to Jack and usually fall asleep on the couch
And then we start the entire day over again!!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Student Of the Month
Posted by Jennifer at 3:09 AM 4 comments
Labels: Joshua
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
You Might Be A Redneck If.......
Ok, we are certainly not red necks, but I couldn't resist. Some people might be a red neck if they have one of these on their front sidewalk.......

Posted by Jennifer at 2:49 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Have You Ever Wondered?
Have you every wondered why just when you think you can get ahead, you actually take a step backwards? Last night, my dryer totally burned out. I took a load of clothes out and it was like they were on fire!!!! I am so thankful I was home, although I NEVER leave the house with the dryer on! I had a small load of towels to dry, so I thought I could just let the dryer cool down and put them in later. No such luck. I totally fried the dryer. Now with a family of 5 and Jack leaving for San Fran next Monday, I could not go long without a dryer. I was surprised when Jack went up to Lowe's last night to get a new one. We prepare for things like this, by putting money aside, but it seems like everytime we get a little extra money something happens. We got a little extra money just recently, and poof....there it goes on the dryer. A few months ago, Jack got reareded in the Toyota. The Toyota is so old that it isn't worth repairing and it wasn't that bad. We were like wow....$600. Jack asked me "Do you ever wonder why God lets things like this happen?" and sure enough, in a couple of weeks, we had our answer, Jack needed a crown for his tooth....gone was the $600. I am thankful that God provides, please don't get me wrong, but now when we do get extra money, I think to myself "hmmm...what's going to break now?" Sometimes my human nature takes over and I just wonder....why can't we ever get ahead and take a step forward????? Anyway, I have a new dryer now. Thanks honey!! I'll try not to fry this one out!!! Oh, and please think of Joshua today at 11 am!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
President's Day

Posted by Jennifer at 4:16 AM 2 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
He Went to Jared!.........

Posted by Jennifer at 3:39 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
To My Valentines....
Our pastor and his wife are offering to watch the kids from our church so that parents can go out and spend Valentine's Day together. It's been awhile since we have spent Valentine's Day alone, so I am so looking forward to a nice dinner together! Thanks Pastor and Nancy.....and Valentine's Day presentation.....

Posted by Jennifer at 2:24 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Too Tired!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Time Out
Last night I was able to meet Kim and Heather my friends from BHBC for dinner. Sunday was Heather's birthday so we let her choose what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go. I was very nervous when she said she wanted to go to Kanki and eat!! I thought I would be sitting there with my diet coke! There was no way I was going to try sushi! That is where I draw the limits! I was surprised that I ordered Hibachi Chicken, and it was SO GOOD! Heather would describe every item she would get. All I remember is one that was wrapped with sea weed!!!! UGH! We shopped the mall after that and had a great time! I am proud I tried a new place, although it isn't my favorite place and I am happy not to eat sushi and that I could eat something!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Vacation Help Needed
Well, we are better now. We are all going to work and school, so things are on the up and up. I need some advice on vacations. We would like to take a nice one this year. It may just be that we stay longer at the beach than we usually do, but I wanted to see what everyone else thought. We tried looking into Disney, but that is just a little too much for our budget, with other things we have planned for the year. Do you know of any good vacation spots? The key is that they should be family friendly....somewhere where the kids would like! I thought about they Grand Canyon, but I don't think they would enjoy that. It could be close to home, or in another state. I just need HELP!!!!! I need ideas!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:55 AM 2 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A House Full of Sick People!
Posted by Jennifer at 6:02 AM 2 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Is It Really Friday?????
Is it really Friday???? It's been a crazy week! Here is my week:.....
Jacob: "cough, cough, cough"
Jenna: "Cough, cough, cough"
The kids have been struggling with major coughs this week (except for Joshua). I almost think it could have been more than a cold, but they are slowly getting better. Joshua went to the ENT specialist Tuesday, and found out that he has fluid in his ears and a slight hearing loss in both ears. He will have to get tubes put back in. This should correct the problem. We thought all our cleft palate problems were over and got hit with this and then him having to have teeth pulled. I am waiting to hear back from the ENT doctor to get his outpatient surgery scheduled.
So that was the kid's week. My week included finding out that I can't go to the women's retreat (although I am still working some almost impossible angles) but one good thing is that I beat my mom, brother, and husband in the football picks! Yeah! I didn't beat Lai. I wanted to, but he wasn't really in our group anyway! I am a little proud of myself. I told Jack way back that you should watch the Giants. I thought they looked like a good team. I told him I thought they had a good chance of going to the superbowl (I don't know if he remembers that conversation). He didn't believe me at all, and not only did they go, they won!
I am thankful it's Friday! I am looking forward to a nice weekend with the family. I hope to do fun things and also get some things off our "to do " list taken care of. Happy Friday everyone!!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:26 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Valentine Mouse and Stuff
Posted by Jennifer at 3:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: crafts
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
A Clean House (for a little while at least)

Posted by Jennifer at 5:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
Posted by Jennifer at 3:36 AM 2 comments
Labels: Jenna