Friday, May 9, 2008

Any Advice?

Joshua has gotten into some type of poison. It showed up Saturday on his stomach. (he'd kill me if he knew I was showing this!!) Today, I see it on his arms, back and legs. I have given him benadryl but can't give that to him during school hours. I know I could do lotion and oatmeal baths (I really don't want to do that.) Any more suggestions?


Unknown said...

are you sure it's a poison and not measles or chicken pox?
If it is poison, there's a benadryl lotion, as well as some special creams just for poison ivy. You'll probably need to wash his clothes, sheets, and washcloths seperate from everything else, and then do a wash cycle with nothing in it before washing anything else (and I'd use gloves when handling the lotions and such). The poor kid! (and poor Mom, too!)

Jennifer said...

I don't think it is measles or chicken pox. He hasn't been sick or have any type of fever. I may have to run him by a clinic though if it doesn't get better.

Lydia said...

Oh the poor boy! Does it itch or hurt badly? Sounds like you've tried anything I would- I'm not much good at rashes/typical childhood booboos as I usually never have what is needed on hand. I just bought my first bottle of peroxide this week! Keep us informed as to how he is!