Saturday, May 3, 2008

Super Savings Saturday

Well, my savings for the week wasn't that great. Since I was gone, I didn't spend much time at CVS, but I did get a free 12 pack of diet coke, some yogurt and baby wipes absolutely free, plus overage. That should be the last of my wipes for awhile. We went to yard sales and didn't have much luck. We got a cute checker set for the kids, the kind with the rug and the giant checkers. We also got a vacuum cleaner that we needed since I broke the other one. I also found some clothes for the boys. We were headed home, and then we hit the high school's yard sale. I hit the mother load there!! They started the day selling clothes for $1, and then marked down to 50 cents, and when I got there, they had stuff everything in a bag for $1!!! Yipee! I found Josh some Dockers pants (they may be for another year yet), one red polo for school (still on the hunt for school clothes) and a red Tommy polo for school. Overall, I got 19 shirts for the boys, 1 pair of pj's, 2 pair of pants, a pair of swim trunks. Jenna got a jean skirt (for about 2 years from now) a jean jacket, a shirt,blouse, and a sweater, and I got 2 shirts. Grand total for clothes $4!!!!! Yes, that is $4. We spent one dollar on the checker set and $10 on the vacuum. I am just so excited! Hope to find more school clothes as the boys are hard on them, but I have a start!