Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Moments

Saturday we went to the Easter Egg Hunt at Monica's. Jenna and Jacob had a scavenger hunt and Joshua made crafts. We didn't stay long as we wanted to spend time as a family. The kids did have a lot of fun though. Sunday we went to my sister's house and had a family get together and the kids got to hunt eggs and play.

Tomorrow is my surgery and then we are going out of town for a couple of days. I probably won't blog tomorrow, but if it's ok with Jack, I might take our laptop and post Thursday or Friday!!


Unknown said...

Bobby got on to me for licking the envelopes with the clues! He said it took longer for the kids to open the envelopes than anything else! After the second clue, he said everyone just handed the envelope to Jacob to open! I laughed when I saw this pic and will have to show it to Bobby tomorrow!