Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Basketball season

We are almost done with November and that means our house is busy again with basketball.  Seems like we are either at a game or running to practice.  This year the school has 9th and 10th grades so they were able to add a JV team.  Unfortunately since the school is small, they had to take two of the 8th grade players and let them play with them.  Although this didn't seem like something we wanted, it actually worked out for us.  Joshua is team captain of the middle school team.  He doesn't think it is a honor, but I keep telling him it is an honor.  I am constantly having this as a teaching experience telling him that God has put him in a leadership position and he needs to step up to be the leader. He is learning and has a way to go, but I have seen so much improvement in him.  I've seen him pass the ball more and encourage his teammates.  I am still trying to teach him how to stay positive and keep his team "up" even when down by 20-30 points.  I know that is hard.  Who wants to play when things are that bad....but hopefully that is something he will try to learn and pass on to his teammates.

As a mom, he is always teaching me new things.  That child is an over-comer.  Things don't come easy for him, but he just keeps fighting and always seems to find a way.  I am so proud of him.  I love to watch my kids in sports or any activities they choose.  Along that note though I would ask my fellow readers to please pray for him.  I want to keep him eligible.  He is struggling in something he has never struggled with  The teacher is good and knows her stuff....but maybe knows it too well and has taken them deeper than ever before.  I know that a lot of students are finding this class (and teacher) more difficult than before, so of course this makes it even harder for Josh.  Just pray that he can maintain his grade so that he can continue to play and of course, pass the class.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Goodbye October

October was a fun month.  Not only was there the Grand Canyon trip but I also went with Jenna and her class (and the other 5th grade class) to Hill Ridge Farms on a field trip.  We also went to the state fair.  Josh loved going to the Army booth and doing pullups for them.  He was able to do 10 of them!!  Impressive, especially since I can't do one!  We also saw the News Boys that night in concert.  That's what we've done.  November will just be just as busy I am sure.