Monday, July 29, 2013

Psalm 61

Hear my cry, O God;
Give heed to my prayer.
From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
As Dave Mincy worded it in his song "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I when my heart is overwhelmed" This is the verse I was thinking of in the wee morning hours when I could not sleep. It has been a tough July for the McLean household. The decision to send back to SCS for a month to month trial was made after going back and forth for a long while.  Then we had Jack's heart scare that lasted a couple of weeks and now we are dealing with the aftermaths of that....anxiety.  I was relieved for him to finally get a doctor that put him back on BP medicine and also gave him some anxiety medicine.  The two of us have spent the last 2 plus weeks with many sleepless nights or nights with 2 maybe 3 if we are lucky hours of sleep.  It's put a toil on both of us physically and emotionally.  And just when I think we have turned a corner, we are back to where we started. I do not know why God is testing us or how much longer this will continue, but I'm thankful I can go to the rock when my heart is faint or overwhelmed.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 8 and more fun

Posting a little early this week.  Today celebrates my husband's 43rd birthday.  So blessed to have him in my life.  He is my joy and the love of my life.  Pictured here we are going to a friend's wedding. We have a busy week once again.  Jenna has been busy at a camp at Mt. Moriah Baptist from 9-2 M-Th of this week.  She also has a sewing lesson.  Jacob is spending the night with a friend on Thursday.  We've been having more fun at the pool with friends and shopping a consignment sale too. Josh has been climbing the walls (literally).  We went to some yard sales only to have no luck at all.  I was ready to call it a dud day until the last yard sale.  They had dvd's for 50 cents of tom a jerry and scooby (Jake's favorites).  They also had legos and Jacob scored big time.  He got 4 bags full of legos plus a bag of people (hard to find and expensive) all for $5!! We had some friend's kids over so that they could have a date night so we enjoyed having visitors among us.
Even though this has been a great summer and I hate to see it end, it has been a very emotional one as well.  I made a difficult decision only to have my mind changed and the last three weeks have been a very emotional battle for me.  I know there is light at the end of the tunnel though and I keep plugging away. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

week 7 summer vacation

This week was a busy week.  I felt like a taxi cab driver.  We went to the pool several times with friends.  Joshua had a week of basketball camp and Jenna had a sewing lesson.  We also had some doctor visits and we babysat some friends kids last night so that they could go out.  I can't believe week 7 of summer vacation is almost over.  No pictures this week.  More to come next week.

Friday, July 12, 2013

week 5 and 6 of summer fun

Week 5 was our friend day/roller skating day (see prior post), and it was also a hard week for me.  This week (week 6) has been one of the best.  We spent a few days at the pool with friends at our church.  The kids have so much fun when the swim with people they know. (picture is hard to see, but it is the Creech family, Jessica Reese, and the Strickland family)  Thursday Jenna had a sewing lesson and made this beautiful pillow case.  The rest of that day was not good as we ended up over 8 hours at Wake Med.  It was a very emotional, trying day!!  Thankful for good friends who came and picked up the kids so that we didn't have to keep them up there for 8 plus hours.  Today is a better day.  The entire family enjoyed cow day at chick fil a and rec'd free chicken meals (over $30 value).  We love chick fil a but rarely get to go because it cost so much for us, but we don't mind dressing like cows to get free ones!!  Oh, summer vacation is going too fast!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Friend Day

Yesterday was friend day around our house.  We started with Josh's orthodontist appointment at 8:30 am and then met Olivia and Jackson at the $1 movies to see Alvin and the Chipmunks, Shipwrecked.  After that we picked up Brandon and I mad them lunch.  We were supposed to go to the pool, but the rain canceled those plans and Brandon and Josh made the most of the water in our ditch!!  Later in the evening we went roller skating at Jelly Beans in Raleigh.  It's quite the drive (almost Wake Forest) but well worth it.  It's not that crowded and on the first Tuesday night of the month it is Christian music night so we enjoy it.  I love getting up and skating.  It makes me feel so young, but it makes me use muscles that I don't normally use in running or the gym.  I think I had more fun than the kids.  Olivia and Jackson spent the night, and thankfully everything ran very smoothly and this old lady got a good night sleep!!