Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This one is for you Uncle Mark. Jenna got this cute matching outfit for her American Girl doll, Kit and one for herself. ( software....the picture is turned, but when I post it, it goes back to the orginal way)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Memories.....

We had a wonderful Christmas. Some of my favorite memories were watching the kids opening their gifts, watching Joshua's reaction to an unexpected gift, time with family, Joshua reading the Christmas story, and the beautiful snow. I love to see the snow, however, I hate feeling cooped up. I really needed to do some exchanges, but I guess that will have to wait until later on in the week.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The kids and I have enjoyed sleeping in these last few days. There is something so cozy about staying under the warm blankets and staying in your PJ's until 11 am. Although I've been catching up on sleep, I've also been doing projects. I tried to re-arrange my room yesterday only to move it back because I didn't like it (and my arms are sore today). I've been baking, wrapping presents, organizing closets and so much more!

Jack seems to be making more work for me. (but I'm thankful for it) We REALLY need a bigger house!! Because there are only 6 people left at work, he has been coming home with some freebies.....Christmas decorations that people left behind, lamps, computer equipment, office name it. So, I'm trying to find room to store all of this. I know this is a huge blessing, but at the same time I realize we only have 3 checks left and no leads at this time. I'm getting a little nervous, but I just have to keep realizing that God is in control. To all my family and friends.....I wish you a very Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Day Before Christmas Break

Friday was an interesting day.....Johnston County had a two hour delay and we were scheduled for an 11:30 half day. (Johnston County goes until Tuesday, but we follow them when there is bad weather). So, we got to school around 10:15 and got out at 11:30. Oh, how I wish for more school days like that. I got to sleep in and the kids got to party! Joshua's class invited parents to come see their "simple machines project". Josh made it a Bible theme and made Noah's ark where the boat is turned up and down. He got an A and really needed that A this time!! They also had a small gift exchange/game time. Jacob's class got to party the entire hour and a half because their party was supposed to be on Thursday. Jenna' class had a "open book" spelling test and then had their party! I noticed that once again she is next to Jacob Dewitt. The two of them are ALWAYS together!! They also did a small toy drive (there is only 11 of them) for some kids that would not have a Christmas. I can't remember if it was a shelter or where the need was, but I'm still happy they could do this.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Stuff

Even though I run around like a chicken with my head cut off, I love this time of year. Last Friday we watched "The Nativity Story". I love that movie and we have made it a tradition to watch it. Every year I notice more and more how my kids understand and it always makes me realize how Joseph and Mary must have really felt. We are still looking forward to going to Meadow to see the lights. We couldn't go last weekend due to all the rain. We also try every year to give to a family in need. I think this shows the kids how much we really have.

I also want to "brag" on Joshua's class. I know some people think Christian schools are just as bad as public schools. I know they aren't perfect, and neither are my kids, but I love this school and I know this is the best thing for my kids. Josh's class adopted a family and went shopping for them. It was a great outreach project. I was touched by some of the girls who wanted to give up their lunch money (they were going to McDonalds after this) to buy more stuff for the family. They ended up with several bags, and I felt like God stretched that money. In addition to the things they could get, they ended up with $25 cash, a $10 gift card and some stamps for the family.

Today is the last day and Christmas break begins!! It should be interesting as we are delayed two hours and then get out at 11:30.

Monday, December 13, 2010

craft day

To add to the busyness of last week, Jacob's class had a craft morning. The teacher had 6 tables and the kids broke up into groups of 2-3 kids. Each group would complete their station and then move to another craft. I loved the way she had this organized. They got to decorate sugar cookies, make a snowman snow measure, and ornament, a gift bag, a picture frame and another craft. It was a lot of fun for all the kids.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

outreach project

whew, what a busy week! so happy this one is over. in addition to Joshua's program Tuesday night, Jenna had an outreach project on tuesday. they went to a retirement center, sang some Christmas carols, talked to the residents, and handed out cards that they had made. after that, the class went to a mexican restaurant for lunch!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

School Program

We had our second Christmas program Tuesday night. The 4-8th grades performed. I liked how everyone was in black and white. Joshua had a few lines, but he was so relaxed compared to Sunday. They did a great job.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Program #1

The kids had their church Christmas program. Everyone did great. Thanks Monica for all your hard work and your patience.!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I love December, but it's also the busiest month of the year. Here is just a sample of my schedule:

Tomorrow (Friday 3rd) sub at school, Jack's (last) company dinner (sad)
Saturday, Dec 4th, play practice, ladies Christmas party
Sunday, Dec 5th, kids play
Monday Dec 6th: choir practice/observe Lauren Morris' class
Tuesday Dec 7th: Joshua school program, Jenna field trip (outreach project)
Wednesday Dec 8th, sub at school, choir performance
Thursday Dec 9th: friend's party, help Jacob's class with crafts
Friday December 10th....nothing right now
Saturday, Dec with girls (hopefully) go to Meadow to see lights
Sunday Dec 12th, choir cantata
Monday Dec 13th Free right now
Tuesday Dec 14th, Joshua's outreach school trip/class party
Wed, Dec 15th free right now
Thur, Dec 16th, Jacob outreach field trip/class party
Friday Dec right now/ half day of school
Saturday Dec 18th not sure, last minute shopping
Sunday Dec 19th "normal Sunday"
Monday Dec 20th, kids home, babysitter for the evening
Tue-Saturday, at home, but doing last minute Christmas things.

I'm at the point where I wake up and say "what do I have today" In between all these things, I'm the room mom so I have to write up a letter to parents about the field trip, collect money for the teacher's gifts and just be "available on call sub". Today for instance I was out at Walmart, Lowes and the dollar store helping find things for Jenene to decorate for the Christmas program. I also have to spray paint frames for Jacob's class before next Thursday (want to help Lydia....ha ha). I think I'll be ready for a break after this!!