Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Boy's First Fish

We had our church picnic Saturday at Bobby and Monica's. We had a really great time and a great turnout. I love getting together, although I spent most of the time making sure the kids weren't in the lake. The food was great! I even took a bite of the pig! (thank goodness for hamburgers and Bojangles chicken!!!). The boys had a blast! They went fishing in the pond and Jacob caught the first fish. He came up to me and grabbed my hand and said "I need to show you something". He was so proud. I could tell Joshua was upset that he didn't get one. Finally, Joshua caught one. You could tell how proud he was. He wasn't content with that one. Right after we finished eating, he went back to the pond and tried some more. He finally caught another one, and was looking all over the place to find me to show me. He really wanted grandpa to see the pictures too because grandpa gave him the pole.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Boomerang Won't Come Back!

We had a very special family weekend so far. Last night, we played "guess who" and bingo with the kids, and then watched Veggie Tales, and then had a slumber party! The kids enjoyed sleeping on the floor. This morning, Tiffany came over at 7:30 and watched the kids so that Jack and I could go to yard sales by ourselves. We hit a small community yard sale and got a bunch of games for the kids for 50 cents each. We will really enjoy playing them at family night. I know we grabbed about 6 games for them! I also got a pile of really nice books, including "I'll Love You Forever" which I have been wanting for so long. I can't believe I found it for a quarter. I got some Dr. Suess and some other good ones. Jack got a nice pair of Dockers for $1.00, and of course, his 10 cent boomerang which he is outside playing with! Our treat after that is that the two of us went to Golden Corral for the breakfast buffet. We totally enjoyed that. Tonight, the kids are excited to go to the church picnic at Miss Monica's house. We are looking forward to that!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Joshua Appleseed

Today Joshua's class celebrated Johnny Appleseed. Most of the first grade dressed up to celebrate the occasion. He wore a pot on his head (well, he held it) a flannel shirt, jeans, and a rope belt. Everything they are doing this week revolves around apples. (counting apple seeds, taste testing, making applesauce etc). I was able to go in to his classroom today to help. Thanks mom, for coming to help with the kids. I enjoy going into the classroom. I was able to work one on one with the students and I really enjoyed it. They take a book home and read it and after 3 times reading it, they take a quiz on it. I set up the computer for their books and helped them with it, and recorded the scores. I was so happy to work with the kids instead of just doing busy work like cutting stuff out or things like that. I also enjoyed today at preschool. Melody was across the hall working on a craft that took all morning, so she left the class to me for the entire day. I loved that as well. I was proud that I could handle all 12 kids (13 including Jenna) all by myself. I was able to get all their seat work done, I got do do calendar/weather time with them, story time, snack time, and everything. I even got to take them out on the soccer field for bubbles and balls day (B theme), down the hall for a drink, and on the playground. I really wish I could go back to school to get my teaching certificate because I really enjoy all of this. I am glad I got the degree in the business field, but I really wish I would have stuck with my original plan! Oh, and Jack comes home in just a few more hours!!!!!!!!

The Slumber Party

Last night I wanted to do something fun with the kids, so we had a "slumber party". Jenna slept in my bed, and Jacob and Joshua slept on the floor in my room. It was fun. I kept waking up every two hours, but at least things went well. Jack gets home tonight. I can't wait. It will be after midnight before he gets here, and I'll probably be asleep, but I will certainly wake up. We have all missed him so much!

Today I get to go to Joshua' s classroom to help out. (after preschool). I am so grateful that my mom was willing to come out. One thing I want to do is stay involved with Joshua's school so that I know what is going on. At least we don't have carpool line today since I can sign him out when I am done!!!

Jack, I can't wait to see you tonight! We all miss you, but I miss you the most!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

How Did I Ever Survive?

How did I ever survive single life? I was never scared when I lived in my apartment in Knightdale all by myself. (I used to be afraid when I took care of my brother's house though). I never had any problems sleeping or worrying something would happen. Last night, I was drifting off and I thought I heard someone or something in the living room.....well, it was only a commercial on TV. Then, I had just fallen asleep when I hear Jacob yelling, and I mean yelling "Mommy, mommy" and then Joshua joined in. I thought one of them had gotten sick or something happened. All he wanted was a drink of water, WITH ICE CUBES (i gave him a sippy cup of water to take to bed because of his cough, but I forgot the ice cubes!!!). I was so scared! Needless to say, I slept with the bathroom light on, and the TV in my bedroom running. Don't ask me what the TV will do for me, but I guess it's just the background noise that helps. Jack, please come home soon! Just tonight and tomorrow and then I don't have to be by myself again!! I miss you!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What's Up With Scooby and Shaggy?

I thought I would post tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Jacob has gotten into Scooby Doo videos. I rented one for him on Friday (Dora for Jenna and Pirates for Josh). Anyway, I heard Joshua and Jacob talking yesterday during the video, and Joshua said "what's up with Scooby and Shaggy"? "Don't they know by now that those monsters are only men in costumes trying to scare them?" I thought is was too funny to hear the boys in such a serious, but funny conversation.

Jack left for Canada today. He has only been gone a little while, but I really miss him. He took the camera with him, so there probably won't be any blog pictures until the end of the week. The nights are the hardest, especially once the kids get to bed. It gets very quiet, and I get a little nervous when it's bed time. I miss you, honey and I can't wait to see you in a few days!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Oh, The Things We Do in Carpool Line

Carpool line can be very boring and challenging at times. They were having spirit night at Chick Fil A last night so to promote the event, the Chick Fil A Cow was there. Of course, I had my camera with me, so Jacob and I hopped out. I don't know why on earth Jenna won't get near the thing. She said hi, but she stayed in the van. I have explained to her it was just a costume, but she still won't budge!!! I also took some pictures of my three year olds. Aren't they cute! Abby and Ethan could talk to me all day. They are the most southern talkers I have ever heard. Maybe I'll leave the class at the end of the year with a southern accent too! I'll try to get pictures of my four year olds soon.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Good Day

Joshua gets out of school today at 1:15. I am excited for the break. The two of us have been struggling with homework. It's not that he can't do it, because he does, but we have writing tests to study for, spelling words to test for, a book to read, and then to get tested on, and math homework! I am excited for the day off tomorrow. I hope to get a lot started. I did get groceries and the grass cut yesterday, so I can check that off my list. Maybe we can sleep in a little tomorrow. I know I will enjoy a day off too! So, tonight it's soccer, tomorrow is rest, get ready for the shower, and then Saturday morning in the brunch shower. After that, I plan to spend as much time with Jack as I can. He is off to Canada on Sunday. I hate it when he is gone! I feel lonely, and sometimes, I get scared!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Hug Makes Everything OK

I had a bad day yesterday. Everything just starting piling up on me. Preschool went fine. Our "criers" made a lot of progress. I'll be ecstatic when they stop crying all together. I've heard the stomach bug is going around, which freaks me out. Joshua had a bad day at school, and then we seemed to go about 9 rounds together yesterday. I keep thinking of all I need to do for this shower, and then it hit me. I am stressing about the shower!!! There are a million things to do around here, and I can't even start until Friday, or I'll have to do them all over again. Thankfully, the kids and I are off on Friday, so maybe we can breathe and get it done! Jack came home and gave me a hug, and everything seemed to be ok.

I get this way every time someone comes over...for lunch, dinner, or a shower. I REALLY enjoy doing this, but I think I put way too much pressure on myself. So, today, I will tackle what I can....mowing the grass, getting groceries, and tackle more tomorrow. Joshua is entitled to have a bad day too, and I told him that I understood, and he was to do better today. If the kids do get the stomach bug, well, they get it. (They already have the hacking cough!) I can't control that. We'll move the shower to yet another house, and I will get them all better and back into our already packed routine! So, if you are having a bad day, have someone give you a hug, and count your blessings!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy Tuesday!

One of my goals for the year was to do something little for Jack every week for the year. It could be something simple like leaving him a love note, surprising him at work, making him cookies, etc. I usually do it on Tuesdays, although I have switched days at times. So, today, I thought I would do my "happy Tuesday" on my blog. I just wanted Jack to know how proud I was of him. I can't believe how far he has come since I first met him. He has worked really hard, changed careers, and continues to work himself up. He has grown that way, and spiritually too! I can't believe the changes in him, and how far he has come. He works hard to provide for the family! He is traveling the world too! (He is off to Canada on Sunday). I love you, honey, and I am very proud of you!

Thank you also for letting me get out last night. I had one of those times where I just felt like I needed to go, and with him going to Canada next week, I knew I better take advantage of my time. I met Michelle last night and we ate at Moe's, shopped at Michaels and Target (and I got out of Target with only cough medicine!!!!) and then went to Cold Stone and ate and talked for about an hour. It was exactly what I needed!!! So to all my readers today....I can't do a little something special for all of you, but I can wish you a "Happy Tuesday"!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Long Year?

I think Melody and I are in for a long year at preschool. We have two criers in our three year old class. One cries the entire time. Today, we had the four year old class. We have one little girl that cried when her mom left, and then continued for 45 minutes. Then, every day, including today, as soon as we get on the playground she cries until her mom gets there. Sometimes, it is fake crying, but it wears on you regardless. I mean, come are 4 years old now....get a grip! The worst part is that Melody just called me. Apparently Chase's mom just called the preschool director wanting to know what on earth happened in our classroom today. So, Priscilla called Melody to find out. Chase went home and told his mom that it got dark and that the clock went off the wall etc. Well, after snack time, we tell the kids to get on the carpet and get a book and sit quietly until we are ready to go out. If the kids get "rowdy" we turn of the lights for a moment to remind them. The clock came off the wall, because Kayla, our crier, kept looking at the clock waiting for her mom to come. I mean, come you have to call the preschool director for that? Why couldn't you call or talk to Melody or me if you have a problem. Why do you have to go over our heads? Let me say we weren't in trouble, and Priscilla backed everything we did. Melody and I are concerned that this mother is a trouble maker and it will be a long year. She even brought his own snack the first day because "he is so picky" (which he has ate everything I brought him so far).

Anyway, Melody and I got spoiled last year with a good class. Don't get me wrong, I still want to work. I am already attached to both classes, but I sure could do with a doubly overprotective parent!!!! I'll try to get some pictures of my four year old class soon.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yard Sale Day

We went to yard sales. Actually, we hit Glen Laurel, here in Clayton and spent about 3.5 hours there. There were at least 75 families participating. The kids got some free toys, I got two cute purses. I got two shirts for the boys (one was a Tommy) for .25 cents each, some books, a work book/home school book for Jacob, a bike for $3 (resell), a jogger stroller for $5 (resell), a video, a toy vacuum cleaner, and I think that is about it...maybe some small misc. things. Some of the houses were priced way to high, and then some of them were so dirt cheap, you were trying to find something. Jack and I are off to the flea market (we can't agree on a movie) and then dinner for a much needed date night.

Yesterday, Joshua had grandparents day at school. They had a little song and poem and gift for the grandparents. It meant a lot to Joshua that his grandma and grandpa could go. We all went to Logans last night after for a nice time together. Joshua is doing so well in class. I heard a lot of positive things about him from the teacher's husband, and that made me feel good!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Soccer Mom

Joshua had his first soccer game last night. He truly enjoys soccer. He is really excited this season because he is on the red Hurricane's team, and he loves the Carolina Hurricanes. Jenna wants to play so bad. I hope to get her involved in the spring. He did really good, especially since now he is one of the younger players (1st and 2nd grade). I guess I could add this title to my mom "resume"

  • soccer mom
  • preschool assistant
  • room mom for Joshua's class
  • taxi cab driver
  • nurse
  • comforter
  • referee

Well, that's all I could think of for right now. My first week of working 17.5 hours went pretty well. I still have some adjusting to do. At least next week, Joshua, Jacob, Jenna and I all have Friday off!!! Jenna cried at the dentist. I wish you could have seen the picture. She did good until she heard others crying and "Dr. Pretzel" wanted to "paint" her teeth with the fluoride stuff. Jacob tried to comfort her back there, but he didn't succeed!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Three Year Old Class

Front (Olivia, Ashley, Loran, Emma, Christian) Back ( Megan, Abby, Emma, Ethan, Madison)

Here is a picture of my three year old class. We have two girls that spent the day crying. I hope that gets better. We have one girl that is a complete bully! We have one little boy with a deep southern accent and he says the funniest things!! I love what I do. I enjoy working with the kids. Sometimes I think about it and wonder how long I can continue to work and do something I enjoy. I know the time is coming where I will have to homeschool. I hope I have the same joy as I do with preschool. I know that must sound terrible, but I just don't know if I can be a good teacher. You know me.....I want to excel at what I do, and I don't know if my kids would test me, or respond in a good way.

Jacob and Jenna have a dentist appointment today at 11:30. This is Jenna's first appointment, so I hope things go ok.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Getting Married????

"Mom," says Joshua... "I don't want to marry a brown person"....this all come from last Friday. On Saturday, I got a call from Heather, Aubrey's mom. Apparently on the playground, Joshua asked Aubrey to marry him. They even said they would get married at Christmas time. Joshua argued that our pastor would marry them, and Aubrey said her pastor would marry them. It was so cute and funny. Yesterday, on the way to school, Joshua said he didn't want to leave. I thought me meant he didn't want to leave me for the day, or move away, but I guess the marriage thing "sunk in". He said he didn't want to leave me yet and get married, so I comforted him and told him we all knew(including Aubrey's mom) that they were joking. I told him he could get married around 25 and that Aubrey may not be the girl for him. I told him he would pray about it and God would show him who to marry. We were almost through car pool line, and that is when he said "mom, I don't want to marry a brown person"!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jenna's First Day of Preschool

Jenna starts preschool today. She has a new teacher, but she is really nice, and of course, I am right next door. I am hoping that maybe this year she will learn to talk to people a little more. I know that I am shy, but she gets really bad. I am hoping that this will be the year she will open up.

My class has 8 girls and two boys. I am really excited about the class. I am worried about today because I am afraid that today may be a day of crying as parents leave. I have Ethan, Christian, Ashley, Abby, Olivia, Emma, Emma, Loren, Megan, and Madison.

Monday, September 10, 2007

First Day of Preschool For Jacob

Today is the first day of preschool for Jacob. He will be going on M/W/F. He has Miss Holly this year. She is nice and a little more structured, which will be good for Jacob. Today is my first day for the four year old class. I met them last week, and we will see how things go today. Jenna will stay in class with me, and be my "helper". I am excited about working, but I also realize it will take me awhile to get used to the routine of balancing work, work at home, carpool, and all my other responsibilities.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Time to Myself

Today I went to some yard sales with Sara. She found some treasures, I just found a little stuff. Maybe Jack had better luck. We then went to the book club and had a great time of sharing and a wonderful breakfast. I took Sara home and Jack called and said he was done, and did I want to meet them for lunch. I didn't feel like driving into Raleigh, and now I am glad I didn't. I actually had time here at the house by myself. I have done a load of clothes and put them in the dryer, cleaned the bathrooms, the bedrooms, the pantry ....just a lot of much needed catch up housework, and time to myself! I put in the Mincy CD (thanks guys) and it was so relaxing. How I am the ONLY one who didn't get one, I will never know, but it was nice. I needed this time so much! Thanks, Jack for taking them to lunch so that I could have some time at the house to catch up on some work. It means a lot to me, and I am sure the house looks a lot better!

Friday, September 7, 2007

A Good Week

I am thankful for the great start Joshua has had at school. He has gotten stars for behavior every day so far, and he also got "sparkles" 3 times, which means he has gone beyond what he was supposed to do, or if he was the only one who obeyed. He has gotten all his homework done this week, and is also on course with Patch for the week. He had a hard time getting used to taking reading tests on the computer last week, but this week, he got a 100%. I know every week won't be like this, but I am thankful for the great start he has had. Joshua, we are very proud of you.

Let's see....weekend plans......tonight of course is family night and taco night. It's Jenna's turn, so I don't know yet what we are doing. Tomorrow morning, I think I am going to yard sales with Sara (Jack is going to a big community one without me) and then to the ladies book club meeting. I don't know what we will do after that. We tried to find a sitter, but everyone had plans for tomorrow, so we'll have to try for a different weekend.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My New Addiction

I have this new addiction at the house. It's popcorn....but it's what I put on the popcorn that makes it so good. I heard Rudine talking to another mom at the pool, and I jotted down this easy recipe in my mind. It's just a stick of butter and a half a cup of brown sugar, a dash of salt, and a dash of baking soda when you are done (I am not sure what that does). You just melt it on the stove, stir, and pour it over the popcorn! It is so good!!! I LOVE easy things!!!

Tonight starts my annual football contest. I usually just play with my brother (and I know I beat him in one of them) but this year my mom and Jack are joining. Jack thinks he is the pro at this! He LOVES pro football, but I still think I can beat him. I also got into his competition with his best friend. Get this, I am in their "group" but I am not really competing. That doesn't sound fair! Guess they are afraid a girl can beat them!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Lunch With Joshua

Joshua and Mikayla, the only one in his class from last year

Yesterday, I was able to go have lunch with Joshua. I wanted to do this because I start working next week, and I don't know when I will be able to do it again. I enjoyed it very much. After school we went for ice cream with Anna. Today, I have my orientation class with my four year olds. I am still a little sad that I don't have many kids from last year, but I know that God has given me these students to love. I hope to get groceries after that, but we'll have to see how things go.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Daddy's Helpers

We spent the weekend working around the house, and the boys were one step behind Jack. They love to help! I was able to get some much needed time alone yesterday. I ran to the mall and got two shirts for $4.50, and then I ran to Target. It was only a few hours, but I needed that time! I could do so much more, but we'll save that for the next time. Today we went to the park and met Melody and took our morning walk and then I have been running around ever since.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Please Help Joshua's Class

Joshua's class is once again collecting the lid tops from cans. We are looking for those pop up type can lids found on soda cans, soup cans, and fruit cans. Sometimes you can find them on other things such as veggie cans and some dog food cans. If you could save those little tabs (I am not even sure what they are called) we would greatly appreciate it. They usually stop around mid April. The lids help the Ronald McDonald House and the class with the most gets a McDonald's party for their class! Thank you for helping Joshua's class!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Fashion Show

Thank you, Heather for all the new clothes for Jenna! What a blessing! I also get so excited to get new clothes for my little girl! I got this Osh Kosh shirt for Joshua at a yard sale with mom for 50 cents!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Friday Family Night With Friends

Last night was of course family night. It was Jacob's turn, but we had special plans that I didn't tell him about. The Mincy's invited us to Ci Ci's pizza and then over to Chuck E Cheese to let the kids play. (Jessie, we missed you). We really had a good time and the kids had a blast! They had fun riding the rides and playing all the games. Of course, they loved picking out their prizes!! Oh, and I beat Jack at air hockey, so I AM STILL AIR HOCKEY CHAMPION! (that goes way back to our honeymoon!!). Thanks Mincy family for inviting us!!

It was really fun for me to get out and I needed it. Lately, I have felt a little "isolated" or the "outcast" because everyone in the church homeschools, or if they don't homeschool, they go to a Christian School. I would love to send Joshua, but finances won't allow it right now. I am hoping to send them there next year with me working. I know home schooling is not right for me right now, and I guess sometimes I get a complex thinking people at our church say "how could you ever send your child to a public school?" I guess that is just one thing I will never have in common with people, and can not join in that conversation when it comes up. Anyway, we had a fun time and now we are working in the house trying to clean etc. I am glad Joshua has no school Monday!