Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Years Goals?

Are you one to set New Years Goals?  I sometimes am.  Sometimes I would put my goals in, spiritual, health etc.  I would get discouraged because nothing would come together or they seemed so out of reach.  I didn't really set any goals this year for myself other than to try to lose some of the pounds that crept back on me.  I have the exercise part down pat, but it's the eating that I can't seem to control.  I have in the last year become an emotional eater.  When I get stressed or down, I eat.  When things aren't going quite right, I eat. Other times I start right but then I miss a meal and then I over compensate because I get so last night......Jenna had a basketball game and by the time I drove her there and watched the game I was famished.  My kids and husband love to eat at all hours of the night and for Josh and Jack, they can eat anything at anytime and it not hurt them in the least.  Me....I look at something and gain weight.  Jack has been the same size or even thinner since the day I met him. Some days I can't make it to the gym because of our schedules and then that throws me off as well.

So, what if any, are your new years goals and how are you doing?


Monica said...

I didn't make any resolutions. I am hoping to get some projects done this year (get the wallpaper off in one bathroom), do some deep cleaning, etc. I found a few years ago when we all posted on our blogs our projects for the month I got an awful lot done, but I felt stressed. So I'm setting some goals, but if I don't reach them, that's okay, too.