Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New School Year

This week we started back to school.  I now have a 10th grader, 8th grader and 7th grader.  Wow....time flies.  I started back to early morning care.  I have not liked getting up for that and it is challenging because not only do I have the morning care kids, but the three I keep.  It's been hard getting them in by myself so I hope I can make this work.  Yesterday I had 5 kids on my own.  Today I just have 1, tomorrow 5, Thursday 3 and Friday 1......I am TIRED.  Starting next week I will have Chloe every day and the other 2 with her 3 days a week.  I know I have to do this to keep my kids in school.

Today marks 19 years that I have been married to Jack.  I am so blessed to have him.  I came home from work this morning with these beautiful flowers and other small gifts.