Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Day Before Christmas Break

Friday was an interesting day.....Johnston County had a two hour delay and we were scheduled for an 11:30 half day. (Johnston County goes until Tuesday, but we follow them when there is bad weather). So, we got to school around 10:15 and got out at 11:30. Oh, how I wish for more school days like that. I got to sleep in and the kids got to party! Joshua's class invited parents to come see their "simple machines project". Josh made it a Bible theme and made Noah's ark where the boat is turned up and down. He got an A and really needed that A this time!! They also had a small gift exchange/game time. Jacob's class got to party the entire hour and a half because their party was supposed to be on Thursday. Jenna' class had a "open book" spelling test and then had their party! I noticed that once again she is next to Jacob Dewitt. The two of them are ALWAYS together!! They also did a small toy drive (there is only 11 of them) for some kids that would not have a Christmas. I can't remember if it was a shelter or where the need was, but I'm still happy they could do this.


Unknown said...

My best friend in K5-2nd grade was a boy. Except at play time. Then there was this really dumb game called football of which girls could not be a part of.
Congrats to Josh on his boat!