Thursday, March 17, 2011

Praising God

Well......I have good news to report. Jack got a job!!! Yeah!! I am happy because he is very happy about it. And the big surprise is that he starts Monday! I'm so happy to see him happy and excited again. The only bad thing is that now I may not be able to go on the ladies retreat next weekend. I'm trying to get child care issues worked out, or once again, I will not be able to go. I told Jack that if it doesn't work out, than he will owe me a weekend away....and he said he knew that :) Seriously though, after getting such a wonderful job, I shouldn't complain. I certainly can't ask him to get off early or come in late on his first week at the job. I guess if it's meant for me to go, I will go and if not, MAYBE next year I'll get to go!!


Lydia said...

Yay!!! I am so happy for you both! So many people have been without jobs for many months and yet Jack got one very quickly!!! Praise God!!!!! So glad:)

Unknown said...

Jen, I'm not going on the retreat this year and I'll be MORE than happy to watch your kids or drive them to/pick them up from school.

sara said...

That is such good news about Jack's job!!!! YAy!