Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Roller Coaster

It's been one of those weeks. It's been a roller coaster of emotions. It's not been a good week for me. Other than one week in December, this has been the first time that I have not worked at least one day at school. Now is the time we need it the most and I'm just doing nothing but worry (yes, I know that is a sin). After having some hope, everything seemed to take a nose dive and I must admit, I'm at one of the lowest points I have been at in a long time. If you know me, I am not a patient person and it's not easy for me to wait. I'm stressing so bad over things......when will we have an income again, oops.....I spent more on the grocery budget this week,(ugh) what if now I don't have enough in my envelope to last the entire month, do I have enough in the "clothing budget" to get something (bad timing for taking Dave Ramsey.....I certainly don't have financial PEACE) are we going to pay for tuition, am I going to have to home school next year, what if we have to start cutting into savings, and the list can go on and on. It's gonna be ok, I least I know it in my head, but my heart doesn't know that yet!!


Lydia said...

I know things are so tough for you right now. This is the time to lean on Jesus all the more...and that is easier said than done. I'm praying for you!!!! If you want to go out one night so we can chat, let me know. We can just go to McDs for a cheap apple pie:)

sara said...

Praying for you, Jenn!