Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Colonial/Constitution Day

The middle school had Colonial/Constitution Day on Monday.  Josh has to dress up.  I cheated....found a costume on line and bought it.  I'm not handy enough to make one of my own.  He also had to do a report on Daniel Carroll from Maryland who worked a lot with George Washington.  (they were each assigned a special person to report on)


Monica said...

He looks great!
and that's not cheating! The fabric & notions for that costume would cost you around $25 at least, and that doesn't take into account the time in making it. For things kids only wear one time, it's much better stewardship to buy. Now if he signed up at Tryon Palace as a re-enactor and would be wearing that every day for a year, then I'd probably make something like that. But for a report or two performance program? You did the smart thing.

sara said...

Love that costume!

Lydia said...

Buying isn't cheating! Seriously, who has time to make a costume? I love it!