Sunday, September 16, 2012

Gi Gi's

The danger of reading other people's blogs is that you try something they mentioned and you get hooked!!  Last Saturday Josh had football practice followed by a pizza/pool party.  Jenna and I didn't want to go to the pool and hang out with all the boys and men (none of the mom's ended up going) so we dropped Josh off and had girl time......guess what was about 6 miles away....Gi Gi's in Cary!  Jenna got a cupcake and I tried one of their new cheesecakes.  We were feeling so nice that we brought some home for dessert.  A couple of them got knocked down, but they still tasted good.  I really liked the strawberry one.  The banana one was really good too.  I didn't get to try Jacob's cookie dough or Joshua's cinnamon roll, but that's ok.....I had plenty of calories for the day:) (and week too)


Monica said...

I heard Jacob was quite concerned Sunday when he got his class invitation because Jenna wasn't invited. He didn't say anything to me, but I thought it was so sweet that he was worried about his little sister!