Tuesday, January 14, 2014

No Camera/staying on track

It was one of those moments that I did not have my camera.  I had my cell phone but I was too far away.  Southside won their first basketball game last night against Hilltop Christian.  Josh got to start and he scored 4 points!!  So happy for the team:)  Proud mommy moment!! (these pictures are from Friday against Greenville Christian)
     We finished up snowmen week last week and have now moved to "snowflakes".  It's hard for me to continue with these themes, but hopefully I can do it.
      Lastly, I'm proud to say I have stayed on track for my January goals.  I tried to run Friday in the rain, but I just couldn't get into it.  I was so discouraged.  I made myself go to the gym Saturday morning and it was a HARD mile run.  I wanted to give up on my goals so bad, but I thought I was a real quitter if I gave up on my goals in week two!!  So, I woke up at 4:45 am on Monday and did another mile so I was able to get my two times in.  I had a hard time on the treadmill Monday, but I was determined to get it in.  I just slowed the treadmill down and when I looked down I was surprised to see I was half way through lap 5, so I went ahead and finished lap 5 and got 1.25 miles in.  Little steps.  Still hate running, but determined to get back into it somehow!!



Lydia said...

You can do it!!! Baby steps!!! Just remember how good you feel when you are in top form:)

Lydia said...

You can do it!!! Baby steps!!! Just remember how good you feel when you are in top form:)