Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Catching up

Seems like a long time since my last post.  We were "snowed in " last week and then on top of that Jake woke up Tuesday morning throwing up.  By noon he was better and by dinner he was eating Moe's with the rest of us.  He told me he thought it was all the pizza and junk food he ate from the night before at church.  I thought so too as quickly as he was over it, but low and behold Josh started about 8 pm on Wednesday and Jenna started about 30 minutes after him.  So thankful we were out of school so they didn't miss any additional work.  I woke up Thursday sick, but not throwing up, and then about 8 am I did throw up.  I was out all day Thursday sleeping.  I slept so much I thought it was impossible for me to sleep the entire night, but I did until 4 am when Jack started.  He never threw up but he was sick.  Hope that is the last of that bug!!  Seems to be the one bug we catch!!
   We are working on science fair projects and hope to have pictures for you in a few days.  All that is left is the display boards.
    I snapped these pictures of Josh today...hoping to remind him that just as he looks at the big kids in youth group, the little ones are watching him!!  And little Jack was sick today but Kara and I made a Micah 6;8 craft.


sara said...

That art project is so sweet! And cute pic of Josh too.

Lydia said...

Love that Bible verse! So simple, yet so hard to do! Glad y'all are now all well.