Monday, March 16, 2015

Half Marathon

     There have been two things on my bucket see the Grand Canyon and run a 13.1 (half marathon).  Yesterday, I took care of number 2.  I've been training for the last several weeks for this, each week increasing my mileage.  Two weeks ago I went out on a 12 mile run and then last week took it easy.  In the week leading up to this event, I took it very easy.  Light workouts were on the menu.  I didn't go canvassing with our church the day before because I didn't want to walk hard on it and wanted to rest myself.
     Other than my family, no one knew that I was going to do this.  I didn't want anyone to know in case something happened and I did not finish.  I didn't want to be the one who was a failure and everyone knew it. I have struggled in the past with IT band issues.  The IT band runs on the side of the knee and runs up to the hip (maybe further, but I'm not sure). In the past few weeks I have also had some other knee pain so I was very afraid of this race.
      This race was on the Tobacco Trail which used to be an old railroad path.  I love this trail because it is very flat, which is a runners dream!!  There were two and a half miles running to get to the trail and then the last two and half were the same getting back to the starting point.
      I had to get up on Sunday at 4 am to be there by 5.  Parking was limited on the main site (had to buy a parking pass) and the shuttle area would fill up quickly.  It was lonely being there in the dark by myself (well without knowing anyone).  It was a long hour and a half wait for the race to begin.  I ate a banana, drank some gatorade, used the bathroom and watched other people.  Finally about 640 we started lining up for the race.  The 7 am start finally began.  Oh those first 2 1/2 miles were killers!!  It was hilly and winding and a mob of people.  It was hard.  I was exhausted before the first mile and wanted to quit and I thought about it!!  I realized that I could do this and wanted to persevere.  I finally made it to the trail which was so much easier and more peaceful.  I still do a three minute run and one minute walk form.  I was very lonely and jealous of all the runners that had someone to talk to.  This trail is very easy for someone to turn around and head back without anyone knowing.  I thought about going back because no one in my family would know....but I would know that I ran a half marathon, but not not truly completing it so once again, I pressed on.  Exactly at the half way point turnaround I got a text from Jack saying that I could do this and he was proud of me.  Toward the mile left to go point, my IT band started acting up.  I continued on running/walking at a slower pace until about the 3 mile to go point.  By that time my IT band had enough.  I wanted to run, but I could not continue to go on running without pain.  I had to walk the last 2.5-3 miles but I was going to get across the line!!  Nothing was more gratifying than getting that medal around my neck.  I was in a lot of pain yesterday.  I was tired and worn.  I fell asleep before 9 pm. Jack had to help me get my legs up and into the bed last night and I finally was at my breaking point and broke down crying.  Today is a much better day.  My IT band still hurts, but I can get around a lot easier.  I have taken two warm epison salt baths that helps a lot. 


Monica said...

Just the fact you ENTERED a race at all makes you a winner in my book. The fact that you COMPLETE them makes you a superhero. :) Sorry you were in so much pain. Hope you're feeling better by now.

sara said...

That is amazing that you ran that !!!!! I could never do that! You are very brave and determined. I would have been tempted to leave when it was so early and still dark! Your family is very proud of you, I am sure.