Friday, August 21, 2015


Things have been very busy for me lately.  Starting in August I took on another little girl.  I'm losing the two boys in another week so that will help me out.  I also ran Josh to drivers ed for a week and am still doing football practice for him twice a week.  In the meantime Jacob made the JV soccer team for Southside so I am running to games and practices with him as well.  I am so happy that he got on the team. On top of that I started homeschooling Joshua.  We couldn't afford three kids anymore and I also thought he would do better at home.  I never knew how overwhelming this could be.  I know this is the right thing for us to do this year, but I also am so worried that I am not doing a good enough job.  I worry when he has down time, I worry that he isn't getting what he needs to get, I worry that I am not doing things right and I worry that I am doing more harm than good.  I also worry about his social life.  He is my social child and I know that he misses going to school every day.  The only good thing about homeschooling him is that I do not have to do math with him.  He will be going to a homeschool place once a week to get teaching and his homework assignments so at least that burden is lifted off of me. 

So, I am very busy right now and very very tired, but I wouldn't change things. I love watching my kids play sports and having fun.


Monica said...

Jacob looks so grown in these pictures! I am SO going to miss him and Wil in Jr. Church!