Sunday, August 23, 2020

Could use some prayer

 Tomorrow we start back at school.  I am full of anxiety right now. Not only am I teaching new subjects, but we also have students that are staying home and doing on line work, so we have to do livestream for them.  I am not familiar with google classrooms and how to do all of this (it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks) so I would appreciate your prayers.  Then you put the COVID factor into the classroom as well, so everything is different.  If I can figure things out this week I think I will be ok. My schedule will be as follows

Early care

1st period cleaning or sub

2nd working with LSP students

3rd planning or sub

4th 6th A literature


5th cleaning or sub

6th 6B literature

7th Computer 7th grade (for this quarter then it changes to 8th and then 6th)

Help with MS volleyball 4:30-5:30