Sunday, October 2, 2011

Field Trip

Things have been so crazy that I have not gotten the time to update my blog. So much has happened in the last two weeks. I guess I will just go in order of the way my pictures were taken. Two weeks ago, Jenna's class had a field trip to the Museum in Durham. I hate the drive, but I love this place. It is one of my favorites. For the first time I was able to see the bears and the foxes.....part of their living exhibits. Jenna had fun hanging out with one of her best school friends, Olivia.(the one with the red headband) Her other best friend Reagan is in the other second grade class. Delany also hung out with us (another of Jenna's friends) and we had a blast hanging out together. The first picture shows the girls with Jenna's teacher, Miss Harmeling.