Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Company Party

Jack's company had a Christmas dinner on December 3rd. That was such a busy day for us. We had to leave play practice and then after the party, Josh and I left for the Clemson game. The party was held at the Shriners Club in Raleigh. I really liked how they made this a family event. They did family photos (which turned out awful) and then had clowns making balloons for the kids as well as kids crafts. They even had a kids friendly buffet line and an adult buffet line.....which was so good!! They had a magician for the kids and then every kid got a wrapped present (1-18 years of age). Josh got a cool dart game and Jacob and Jenna also rec'd some nice games. Of course at the end, Santa came to visit. Thumbs up to Golden Corral on this one:)


Monica said...

Hooray for Golden Corral! I love to hear of companies that do things for the entire family.

Veronica said...

I just love your family photos. It is so nice when the company you work for appreciates the hard work you do. I am so enjoying your blog and I'm so glad that I have learned how to blog myself.