Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October Fun

My kids are enjoying having Kara here, especially Jenna.  I guess she is like the little sister that she always wanted.  They love Hannah of course too.  It's been fun for me to have two girls, but things have changed a little.  I've had to adjust my workout times to one time a week plus 5:30 am workouts.  (even though both moms have said I could take them, I only go once a week with them).  It's harder to get to run errands.  I find it harder to get to the grocery store and things like that.  I'm still doing crafts with Hannah and most of the time Kara wants to join in the fun.  I look back and see how God is so good and is constantly directing our paths.  I first of all wondered if keeping Hannah was what God wanted me to do.  Preschool jobs were not worth the time and not enough money.  I decided that watching Hannah was what God wanted me to do.  Then a complete stranger asked me to watch her son.  I prayed about it and didn't feel at peace with it, even though I debated on the money.  I didn't want to risk someone saying I spanked their son or something like that.  Look how God worked everything out....I got sweet Kara....someone that I can trust and they can trust me!


sara said...

Such sweet pictures!