Monday, October 15, 2012

The Fair

Jack's company gave them the day off on Friday and the kids had a half day of school, so what thing to do is to go to the fair.  My diet was completely destroyed.  We started off with fries, moved to a sausage dog, on to a fried Reece's, an elephant ear and a bloomin onion....oh, and the cotton candy.  Thankfully money ran out so that I couldn't eat any more!!  Jenna met Miss North Carolina, although I don't think she was that impressed or that she is into all that tierra stuff.  Cookie Monster was at the Romney/Ryan sticker place so we grabbed  a quick shot of him.  The kids were constantly picking up free stickers/pencils etc, and when we came to Obama, I had to tell them to put that stuff down!!  After I told them what they were grabbing they really wanted to find the Romney stickers.  Jack and I were both amazed on how many Romney stickers we saw in comparison to Obama.  Maybe there is hope for NC???


sara said...


Monica said...

So glad you got to go! I'm hoping to go Friday (whether Bobby gets off or not!), but we'll just have to wait and see. Love the cookie monster shot!