Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daniel and Misc.

Can you believe that something as little as 7mm can cost more than $23k and the bills keep coming in?  Thank goodness for insurance and them covering the majority of this, but even what we had to pay was in my opinion too much for something too little.  The good news is that the stent is now out!!  I feel great!!  I didn't feel well the night it came out, but now I'm slowly back to normal.  I went to zumba last night and am thinking about going to boot camp tomorrow at 5:15 am.
     This week we have been talking about Daniel and the Lions Den.  Monday and Wednesday we made lions and I hope to make some praying hands on Friday.  I am so attached to Kara and Jack.  They are both such sweet little kids.


Monica said...

Medical costs are outrageous. I'm dumbfounded every single time. Glad you're feeling better.
Loving the pics of all the crafts!