Saturday, December 28, 2013

the end of 2013 is drawing near

It's almost the start of a new year.  Last week my little girl took a big step and did a solo in church.  I was so proud of her.  This was all her.  She wanted to do it and it made this momma's heart very proud.  I think I was more nervous than she was.  Josh also did a reading of scripture, and surprisingly  he was nervous (he usually handles this pretty well).  He wanted a credit for youth group for taking part in a service.  I'm glad the youth group does this and helps the kids get more involved.

I wanted to try to set monthly goals instead of yearly goals this year.  My goal for January is to lose 5 pounds and to run twice a week.  Since my kidney stone in September, I have gained a few pounds and I haven't really been able to run.  I did run a mile yesterday for the first time in a long time, so even if I just concentrate on mile runs for January, I would like to get more comfortable running the mile.  I would really like to do 3 races this year and my dream is to actually place in the top 5 of my category.


Lydia said...

Great goals!! I like the idea of monthly goals.