Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hershy, PA Trip

The last few years we have gone somewhere for spring break.  Sometimes it isn't a big trip, but other times it is a bigger trip.  One year we went to Grandfather Mountain, last year was our big trip to Disney and this year we went to Hershey, PA.  Loved it!!  Love making memories with my family.  We woke up early Thursday morning and drove to Hershey, PA.  Some of the things we wanted to do at the chocolate factory were already sold out, but we were able to do those events on Friday morning.  We did a couple of things at the factory, checked into our hotel and then ate a nice family dinner and used the pool.  Friday morning we did the other events and then went to Hershey amusement park and on Saturday we went to Lancaster and went to an Amish Farm and to Sight and Sound theater.  I will break these up little by little.  I will say my favorite parts were by far Sight and Sound theater, the Amish farm and making our own candy bar.  So for today I will post some highlights of us at the Hershey Chocolate Factory.  I loved making our candy bar.  You had to wear hair nets and then pick up to three things you wanted in your candy bar as well as if you wanted regular chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate.  Then you watched your candy bar being made down the assembly line.  You went into another booth and made your own wrapper and then you got your candy bar in a tin.  It was pretty cool.


Monica said...

So what's with the special sunglasses? Was everyone happy with their candybar? Can't wait to hear all about your trip! :)