Friday, June 6, 2014

1st week of summer vacation

I love summer vacation!!  Love the freedom, the slower pace, and just everything!!  The kids had a half day of school Friday.  Jacob had a friend over for the day for his b-day celebration (happy 11th b-day Jacob).  We went to the pool Friday night.  Saturday Jack took the boys to play paintball for Jacob's birthday and then we went to a graduation.  Sunday was Golden Coral's company picnic....always fun....a ton of food, bingo, bouncy houses, free snow cones, cotton candy and popcorn.  Monday we headed to the pool, Wednesday we went for a 3 mile bike ride on the greenway, spent the afternoon with friends, and headed back to the pool.  Thursday we sent Joshua off on the youth mission trip helping get a camp ready and today we went for our free donuts at National Donut Day!!  A girl could get used to this. 


Monica said...

Sounds like there's a lot going on at the McLean household! Hope every week this summer is great for all of you.