Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grocery Fun

I love couponing.  I don't know why I get such a thrill out of doing it.  Today I got up early and for some reason the kids wanted to go.  I loved seeing Jacob's eyes as my total came down to $15.  I saved $54 in coupons and with my vic card, my total off the bill was $84.61 (that includes the coupons).

I got 3 deodorants, 1 shampoo, (2) two liters of orange soda, two bags of lays chips, 3 pop tarts, 2 popcorns, 3 taco seasonings, 2 breads, 2 pepperonis, two packages of paper plates, one box of spaghetti, one bag of breakfast bars, one bag of chicken nuggets, two boxes of cereal (trix and cheerios) one box of dove ice cream bars and a box of m&m ice cream sandwiches!!

Other things this week is that Josh got his braces off!!  I love his teeth!  I am so jealous as I needed braces so bad!!  He will thank me one day.  He still has a retainer and will get a top one in two weeks.


Lydia said...

Josh looks great. Kimberly will be getting her braces soon. I needed them but my parents couldn't afford them so I am bound and determined that I will do what it takes for my kids to have them.