Friday, January 16, 2015

Wonder Woman??

It's been awhile since I've blogged...mainly because I don't have any pictures.  I hope to get some tonight and hopefully will have them for my next post.  I feel like I'm suffering from the mid-January blues.  It's been a crazy week.  Jacob and Jenna have had normal weeks, but Josh has been SLAMMED with mid terms.  This is the first year he has had to encounter them.  Science was of course the worse.  I helped him on his study guide which took us over 3 hours to complete!!  That was over the weekend.  Monday night he had bball practice and then had to hit the books for studying for the test.  I didn't stress over this one because I knew how deep these chapters are.  Now try studying for 8 chapters.....ugh!!  Tuesday he had a game and came home to study for Literature and History.  I must say he handled all the games/practice/studying quite well although I am too afraid to log on to Jupiter grades to see the results.  I don't want to get discouraged or down so I am waiting until next week.

On top of that I have had extended family drama.  That is never fun.  I also had someone I know but not well take me off guard and ask if her daughter could come over Saturday night while she went out to a friends party.  First of all, I'm not that close to this person (not from church) and she told me about 2 months ago that her and her husband were getting a divorce.  I didn't feel good about the situation.  I mean why not ask your x to watch his daughter so you can go out?  I felt like I was getting in the middle of something. I have a very hard time telling people "no".  I received a text first thing in the morning asking me again if she could come and I just had to tell her we had plans (I guess Josh going to a bday party counts as plans)  I don't think she was happy with me, and it was hard for me to tell her no.  I heard a broadcast on Focus on the Family the other day where Lisa Tyrkest (not sure what her last name is) spoke and was talking about saying no to things.  She said something like "sometimes I try to be Wonder Woman and I end up being a Worn Out Woman!!".  With the drama of family and this situation and running the basketball team (or several players) to and from practice I guess I am a Worn Out Woman"

After the "storm" (even though this was not a storm) comes the calm!!  I'm looking forward to watching Josh play a basketball game tonight and the weekend.  We even have Monday off (except for another basketball game Monday night).  Maybe after a weekend of rest I can become Wonder Woman once again!!