Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Trying Times

These a trying times for sure.  We are on the second week out of school and it could go until May 15, although SCS is hoping to get there sooner.  I can't imagine it going that long.  I just heard Wake County is trying to get the mandatory stay at home passed.  I hope JOCO doesn't do that, but we are almost there.  School online, church online, can't find anything at the grocery store (thank goodness Jack finally found TP on Saturday).

My house is too little for this.  Jack has taken over the kitchen with his office.  Jenna is in her bedroom for her schooling, Jacob in his room for his school.  Josh will start next week, and then I am stuck in my bedroom.  I am going crazy!!!  I am glad we are healthy, but this staying in my room is too much!!  Jacob and Jenna do work everyday and every day of the week they have a specific subject where they do a google classroom  with their teacher.  I am thankful SCS has maintained school, but this is just bad.  I can't imagine when Josh starts too.  I am going into a depression sitting in my bedroom all day.  There just isn't room for all of us to do this at the same time!!

Jenna turns 16 on April 13.  I had so much planned for her sweet 16.  Starting with the fact that we were supposed to go to NY tomorrow for a family trip.  The two of us were going to see Wicked on Broadway.  She was going to have a few friends from church out for the day......lunch, escape room, shopping, but I don't think that will happen now.  We can't even take her out for her bday.  My bday is the same way.  I will be stuck here in my room!!  I hope Trump can do what he wants and open things up by Easter and maybe we could do her party during Spring Break.

I know my focus isn't right.  I am spending time with God.  I am sending notes to friends. I finished my class (just waiting on the grades of my final projects to come in), I've ordered some new books to review for possible material next year,  but I can't even get into my kitchen to do baking or something fun.  I am drowning.  My getting out of my room includes trying to go to the grocery store each day to find meat.  Please don't let this go on till May 15 or beyond.  I know I can plan, but my steps are ordered by the Lord.