Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Although I haven't really set my goals for 2010, one of my ideas was to be more organized and have a house that is presentable at all times! I rec'd some kitchen items for Christmas and knew I would need some room to store them, so yesterday I started around 8 am....took down the Christmas tree decorations and all the household decorations and then headed to the kitchen. I took EVERYTHING out of the cupboards and re-organized everything and threw stuff years worth of sippy cups (yes, I am a packrat). I ended up with three full garbage bags of stuff and after 4 hours of cleaning cupboards, pantrys, floors, I had to make a run to the dump to throw it all away. I LOVE the new organization though. It has made things look so clean and everything is put together and not thrown in the cabinets! It was worth all the work. I think on my days off, I will conquer the rest of the house like this!!


sara said...

Awesome, Jen! I am inspired to tackle my kitchen!

Unknown said...

Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Congratulations!!! When you are coming to my house? :O)

Lydia said...

It looks WONDERFUL!!!!! You worked VERY hard!!! I need to get crackin' on that spring cleaning spirit:)