Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Am I the only one who is getting discouraged at prices? Everything is going up. Every time I pass the gas station the price has gone back up!! I can't even imagine how much it would cost to fill my van all the way up. It's bad when your little Toyota Corolla costs over $45 to fill up!! Another thing that has gotten me is the price of food. I know partly that is because gas prices have gone up....but seriously? I usually could get out of the store for $80-85 a week......not any more! Last week I spent $101 at HT and I even had some coupons. Today I went to Walmart to get groceries and still spent $69 and still have to go to get my meat. It's discouraging because Jack has this house on a TIGHT budget and I try to be very very wise when it comes to buying food and necessities for our family, so it's killing me to see that I'm not in budget anymore. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who recognizes that I'm trying to stick to budget and realizes that the grocery budget will have to be revamped. So now I guess I will be excited if stay at $100 and I'll jump for joy if I can come below the $100 mark. I'm curious much do you spend on groceries? Are we spending too much??


Lydia said...

I think you are doing well. We spend about $150 a week with two kids in diapers/pull-ups and one on pediasure. (that's $50 right there) That includes EVERYTHING from toiletries to meat to cleaning supplies for a family of 7. I used to do MUCH better but the prices are killing me too!!! We have started using a little more processed food just to save money, clean eating is EXPENSIVE!!

Monica said...

If it makes you feel any better, I spend between $40-65 at the grocery store, and seldom by vegetables (because we can/freeze with the garden) and only get meat when it's on sale. And that's just for 2 people! Bobby's been joking for the last month that he feels like he needs to fill his tank every day because the prices seem to daily go up. Hopefully things will start dropping soon!