Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First week of school

It's official....I have a 7th grader, 5th grader and 4th grader.  The first day of school seemed to go well.  My day Friday went well, but adjusting to the new routine has made me very exhausted!!  I spent Saturday and Sunday making lunches for the week, so that helped but here is a sample of my schedule:
7:25 arrive at school to do early morning care
8:00 finish work, pick up Jack and Kara take Josh and some others to middle school at Amelia Church.
8:15 drop Josh off at middle school
8:00-11:45 take care of Jack and Kara
11:45 leave to pick up Isaac from K4
12:00 pick up Isaac from K4, take the long way home by Amelia Christian Church to drop of Jack (his mom is the morning secretary)
12:00-2:40 take care of Isaac and Kara
2:40 leave to pick up Jake and Jenna and drop off Isaac
3:00 head over to Amelia to pick up Josh from middle school
3:15 get Joshua and drop Weston off at salon
The rest of the day is spent cooking dinner, helping with homework, finishing anything I didn't get done and getting ready to start this entire process all over again.  I'm still getting up to do exercise classes twice a week at 5:15 am (and I try to go to other times during the week).  I just hope that I get my energy back.  I'm really dragging.  I'm hoping that once I get settled into the routine I will once again have some energy.


Monica said...

I think you need one of those "mom's taxi" tags for the front of your van. :) Hope you're able to get some rest and some energy. Maybe you need extra protein right now?

Lydia said...

Cute pics! I'm covering your new beginnings in prayer!!