Sunday, January 18, 2009

Things we will do on our day off.......

Oh, I am so excited to have a day off tomorrow. First item of business....sleep in a little bit. I'll probably be up at my normal time, but I will just lay in a warm bed and take my time getting up. Next, fix the kids breakfast, get on the treadmill and shower (all of this at a slow place). I'm sure there will be lots of playing, getting housework done. The kids and I also have a major project tomorrow afternoon. We are taking all of our old toys over to the kids exchange sale in hopes of making some extra money. So, I am thankful for a day off, but it will be busy!!!! The rest of the week will be busy, but better than last week. Tuesday I work and then Joshua has a dentist appt at 2. Wednesday I am going on a field trip with Joshua and Jacob and then I am working the sale Wednesday night (extra money to pay for Joshua's b-day party). Thursday, I am off, but I have to take Jenna to a make up gymnastics class. Friday I am off and plan to have lunch with the boys at school!


Lydia said...

Ah, what would then world be without sons and lightsabers?