Sunday, January 4, 2009

Vacation Over Blues

Yes, I have the blues. I have had two weeks off, and I don't want to go back. I guess everyone is that way, but it seems I am really struggling this year. Partly because my T/TH three year old class is a bad one, but at least the 4 year olds are good. I have so enjoyed sleeping in, doing housework, running errands, playing with the kids, and even relaxing a little, with no deadlines, no running around like my head is cut off. At least I work for two weeks, and then have M, TH, and Friday off of the week of the19th, so that will help, but then I go from there until April with no time off, unless I take vacation. I will get through this I know, but I could get used to setting my own schedule.


Unknown said...

you and me both! I struggled so hard last week. Last Wed it was all I could do to not walk into the HR office and tell her I was giving my 2 week notice! And I've spent a fair amount of time online looking at other jobs! I don't see how you juggle work and kids.