Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Science Fair

Southside is having a science fair this week. Every class had a theme and every student had to do something regarding the theme. Jenna's class did weather, so we made a poster about the water cycle. Jacob's class had to do something with insects. He also had to do a report, poster board and a "model" of the insect. We chose the caterpillar and took Styrofoam balls and painted them orange and made a caterpillar. Josh's class had a theme of "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made". They had to choose and organ and do a model on that. We chose the lungs. We used a tube for the throat leading down to the lungs (two balloons) and then the bottom balloon was the diaphragm. I think they all did a great job, and it wasn't too bad having 3 projects due the same day!! (sorry, still can move my pictures the right way)