Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday Menu Week

I decided to go back to putting my menus down. I'm doing this because I put my list in my purse and then sometimes lose it and I forget what I had planned for dinner (and that is what happened last night). I totally went blank and so I improvised and had pancakes, eggs, bacon and hash browns.

Wednesday: chicken nuggets and french fries (I had a big lunch today so I will just eat fruit tonight)

Thursday: I will be gone and Jack is taking the kids to McDonald's for 69 cent cheeseburgers (In Raleigh)

Friday: got invited to friends house for dinner

Saturday: Steak and baked potatoes

Sunday: pizza (in honor of football playoffs)

Monday: spaghetti and garlic bread

Tuesday: chicken dish....(i have frozen chicken breasts in the freezer) probably chicken and dumplings or baked chicken with sides.