Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Two Days of School....

I have had my first two days of school. It hasn't been as bad as I thought. I thought today would be horrible with a girl that has something wrong (not sure what it is) one that has autism and then another boy. The little girl with autism was just fine.

My four year old class:
Aiden---sweet little boy that won my heart last year. He started in February, but he just really has a special place in my heart.
Bryson....the 4 year old that does have something wrong. Still in pullups, not potty trained. I think he might have autism. He was flapping his arms around and then making strange noises at the table...short attention span.
Carter....returning from last year. A cute boy, but sometimes hard to control. Mom lets him get his way, and I have seen that several times, even away from preschool.
Cheyenne....A little girl that was a preemie. Sweet. She was in the two year old class last year, but jumped to the 4's this year because mom had her tested. I think she needs to go in with the 3's because she is "behind". Sweet girl, not a troublemaker.
ETHAN....cute boy. Had his sister for the past two years. Quiet, not a troublemaker.
JESSICA P. The cutest little girl with curls. New to school, cried a little, but she will melt my heart.
JESSICA V. Also new to the school. Had no troubles.
EMILY....had her last year, her sister the previous year. Not really a problem. Loves to give hugs and I love to receive them!
JONAH....I had him in camp over the summer. Will talk your ear off. Comes from a great home, very well trained.
OLIVIA....I've had Olivia for two years. She missed the school cutoff, so we have her again. She is very close to my heart!
STEPHEN.....A very tall little boy. Very obedient....loves it when he smiles!!

3 year olds

AIDAN....had a rough first day....cried, new to preschool, but I think he will be fine.
BRYSON....Since he goes to our church, he already has a place in my heart. He did perfect. We won't have problems with him!
ANNABELLE....the little girl with autism, but she really did great. I think she will be very close to my heart.
JOSH...sick today, but played a little rough in orientation
TAYLOR....New, cute blonde little boy, quiet, but does what he is asked
TESSA....had her sister last year, she was very good.
SUFIYA.....sweetest little girl. Had her sister 3 years ago.
SAVANNA....Can't help but smile when you see her!
GABRIEL....Likes to stay close to you
KYLE.....had more issues with mom! Spent part of his day sitting behind the door, and trying to break out, but I started playing with him and he warmed up to both of us after an hour
LILLIAN....walked in like she was a pro at this. We'll get along fine.

So, there is my class in a nutshell. Ask me in a couple of weeks how it is going!!!


Jack said...

All very special in God's eyes. You have a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love in your teaching and by your testimony around them. I guess we all do in our own circle of influence. What a blessing!.

sara said...

What a sweet comment from Jack!

I knew Bryson would do well!!!

Lydia said...

I'm praying for an amazing year for you!!!!