Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Josh's project

Joshua had his first project due this week. I tried to get most of everything done over the weekend, but their were some circumstances beyond my control. Needless to say, we were up till 8:30 last night putting the finishing touches on, but I think we pulled it together. I think it is good to have these "deadlines". Although it stresses me at times, I think it is preparing my children for other life lessons. If I home schooled, I could easily not make them do a project, or say "it gets done when it gets done", but everyone has some type of deadlines in life....bill paying, things needed for the boss, tasks that need to be done on a certain day....and I do think it is teaching my kids to plan ahead and not wait until the last minute (although I didn't set a good example last night). It helps them think ahead, budget their time etc. I'm glad it's over....and I'm sure there will be the English test tomorrow, the history test Friday......blah blah blah!!!


Unknown said...

Is Josh standing on something or is he really that tall? I was watching him and Wes talk before church the other night, and reminiscing at how animated their talks were when we first started at CBC. It made me a little sad to think how quickly time has passed that they've matured that much. I guess you probably sense that on a more regular basis.

Did he choose the title?

fillup said...

Looks great Josh! You are doing so well in school, and proud of you and your accomplishments. You have great ideas mom about not waiting to the last minute to do things. I had and still have a habit of waiting to the last minute to do things when there is a deadline, and is NOT a trait I am proud of. It does create stress. Again Jennifer, you are a good mom and have three great kids!!!

Jennifer said...

Monica....i think it is just the illusion of him being tall. He is still short compared to most his age, and still the shortest in his class and soccer team.

Jack said...

I could pull off some amazing things when under the gun when I was in school. Sometimes at work too. It's definately more stressful though.