Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is there such a thing as a clean house....?

Last Friday, I was in heaven. I had the day off, and the kids had to go to school. I dropped them off and then went for my morning walk (which I have missed so much!). I then came home and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned!! The house was so dirty and messy it took me most of the day, but it felt good to scrub it down. It did take me a little longer as I had a pile of fall clothes on Jenna's floor that I needed to go through. The discouraging part is that when Jack got home the next morning, you couldn't tell that I had cleaned it from room to room! I find it very hard to work even 17 hours a week, be a mom, be supportive in school activities, be a soccer mom, do homework, baths, cook and still maintain a clean house. I find action figures in the living room, clothes that forgot to be picked up, toothpaste in the's always something. I'd be embarrassed if someone stopped by, but I'm thankful to have kids that have action figures and all the other messes that a family of five create! I do have to admire other women who can do all that I do and sometimes more and still keep clean houses!!!


Unknown said...

!!??!!! Who do you know that has children, works, and keeps a clean house WITHOUT having a house keeper or going out to eat half the time?!? I can't think of anyone. Most people I know who have a clean house actually have 2 clean rooms, and they let the rest of the house be messy or lived in. As Bobby likes to tell his Mom, "It's a house, not a museum!"

Unknown said...

:O/ and if it makes you feel any better, it seems my mother-in-law always comes a day or two AFTER I've cleaned (meaning Bobby has already tracked grass and mud and who knows what else into the house and I've been cooking again with dishes everywhere!)