Saturday, January 29, 2011

My boy hits the double digits.....

Joshua turned 10 today. I can't believe I have a child that has hit the double digits!! We had a surprise party for him tonight. Jack took the boys to the NHL fan fair and then came home a little while. That gave Jenna and I time to run to get the cake and all the other things and clean house. Jack took garbage and then to Walmart and when Josh came home, there were several people waiting for him. The look on his face was priceless. He was totally surprised!! We told him that the neighbor needed to use our driveway, so when he walked in and saw everyone, he just stood there like a deer in the head light!! We invited some adults and kids that have been an influence on his life over the last 10 years. I think he had more fun playing football with all the boys more than anything. Happy 10th Birthday, Joshua,.....we love you!!! (pictures to come later)