Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sickness and Stuff.......

Everyone is sick.....EVERYONE!! Church is full of sick people, school is full of sick people. I read on face book of someone else who got sick, and the list just keeps adding on. I've been working all week because teachers are out it has me worried.....really worried. My kids have not been sick (thank you God) but I'm so worried they are going to get sick. If they get a stomach virus, you just have to let that run it's course. If they get the flu, strep, or anything else things will be bad. Tuesday we will have no insurance and that makes we worried. No matter how much I Lysol the house, no matter how much I wash their hands, I can't protect them from everything. I try not to think about it, but every time I hear of someone sick, it comes back!!
And with that, we have no news. Jack had two interviews two weeks ago. One with a "real" company, one with a contract company that was going to send him to a very good company (and we hoped he would eventually get a permanent position). After following up with them last week they both said we should know something Monday of this week. Now it's Wednesday and we still haven't heard from either one. I think that in cases like these no news is not good news. Thus we have started the roller coaster ride of emotions.


Lydia said...

I am so sorry that you are feeling this stress. I'm praying that you all stay healthy and of course I'm praying about Jack's job situation. God will provide!

sara said...

Praying for Jack to get the perfect job!!!