Monday, January 24, 2011

The Newest TV Star????

We may be the newest TV star. Have you ever seen the show hoarders? Well, we might be on the next episode.....seriously!! All of us have a hard time turning down anything that is free. Jack has been blessed tremendously at work since he was the last two go. We're having a surprise party this weekend and I had to get the house cleaned!! We did buy a small storage shed, but the problem is it will probably take weeks to get that I did the next best thing....hide everything!! With the exception of the refrigerator in Jenna's room, I succeeded but I found out tonight Jack has more things. I'm not exactly sure where I could hide anything else. In fact, my closet is SO FULL, that I went into the bathroom Saturday and cried!! I'm not sure how I'll even get the clothes I need. Jenna's closet is also floor to ceiling full. I'm so embarrassed I can't even take a picture. I was gone last night, but Jack told me our small group might have a yard sale to help get the 1K for the emergency fund, and I'll be excited to sell some of this stuff and make some money. (although some of this stuff is more valuable and will have to go on CL). In the meantime, if you see me on the show, you can pretend you don't know me!!


Unknown said...

Oh Jen! A hoarder stores things they don't need; you're storing stuff to SELL! There's a very big difference! Your welcome to store stuff in one of our extra bedrooms if you need to. The closet is full, but the floor space around the bed is empty and it's not being used at the moment. And I'm sure the kids are still excited about it and their friends will think it's cool. :)

Lydia said...

LOL!!!! I will tell everyone I know you, that I have a famous friend who was on Hoarders!!! Just kidding- like Monica said, you aren't a Hoarder. But yay for the yardsale idea, I hope you can sell a lot of stuff and make some $.