Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

I have a nine year old now.  Jacob has grown into a fine young little man!  I've shared my stories about the other two, so now it is time to share about Jacob.  If you remember me talking about Joshua you will remember how hard and how long we tried to get pregnant.  I knew that I wanted to have more children.  I went in for my yearly checkup only to find out that I was pregnant!  But, at the same time I knew there was something wrong.....I was spotting lightly, something I never did with Joshua.  They assured me everything was ok.  Every time I went to the bathroom I would check to see if I was bleeding.  Then one Saturday morning I woke up and I knew it was over.  I was devastated.  I knew I could never get pregnant on my own (or so I thought).  I went back to the doctor and asked when I could try again.  They told me to have at least one period before trying.  I never had that period.  I got pregnant right away.  I remember not feeling too well and thinking I was getting the flu.  My friend told me to take a pregnancy test, and she was right....I was pregnant again!! (and within one month of my miscarriage).  The pregnancy was good although the tests showed that Jacob could have downs.....thankfully he did not.  I was due on the 25th and on the 29th they took me in to induce labor.  I remember telling Jack to get the was time to push!!  The nurse came in and then brought in another nurse, and they went to get the doctor......I knew something was wrong!!  Jacob was not breach, but he was not turned the right way and if I continued down this path I would probably be in labor for over 24 more hours and may run into complications.....I needed a C-section.  They suddenly started prepping me.  I was very nervous because Jack and I knew nothing about C-sections.....only that this was surgery.  Soon after that, Jacob Grayson McLean was born weighing 8 pounds 1 once.  He didn't have cleft, he didn't have downs.....the only "bad" thing was that they cut his eye when they broke my water so it looked like he had been in a fight.  Happy Birthday, Jacob!!  We are so blessed to have you and we love you very much!!