Friday, May 18, 2012


As long as I have known Jack, he has loved to run and has always asked me to join him.  I never could.  I'm slowly working up to jogging with him.....but there is one problem.....I STILL HATE IT!  I don't know what joy there is in it at all.  I am up to 2 miles on my good days.  Last Sunday we went jogging together at White Deer Park and those hills are BRUTAL!  I could barely do one lap (one mile) and he told me to do another one with him.  I struggled through it.  I still want to do a 5k with him, and am trying to get there.  I'm very picky to where my money goes, and I found a race June 30th in Raleigh called "raleigh's finest".  It's in memorial for two firefighters who were killed.  I knew one of them, and his parents took our wedding pictures, so I am interested in this one.  My entire family (well, maybe not Jenna) wants to run because there is a 1 mile kids run.  Josh is well ready for that, and Jacob is about ready.  So question mommy ready?  I still have to add a mile and smidgen more to my run and I don't know if I have it in me.  I'm proud of the small steps I have taken, but not sure if I can do this.  Someone suggested registering so than I would have to train and get ready!!  I'll be honest.....I'm not sure if I will continue running after this.  It seems like a lot of work, and I don't seem to burn the amount of calories that I want.  I'll keep you posted.  Good news....I'm now down 24 pounds!!


Lydia said...

Yay you!!! I'm with you on the running- I used to be a runner...once upon a time....but I never found joy in it. And now, I really dislike it- ugh!!! But good for you for sticking to your goal, I'm proud of you.

Monica said...

2 miles...I'm impressed! Do you listen to music while you run?
As for the run in June, I'd so go for it! And I'll be glad for Jenna to hang out here while the rest of you run.

sara said...

You can do it! You can do it! Wow, I am impressed that you can run 2 miles. I can't do that (right now anyway!) If I were you- I would sign up!!!!!!