Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Closing Out The Year

I'm closing out 2008. We were goofing off last night before bed with my new digital camera. It's nice, nothing too fancy, but I really needed a new one. I had $60 in gifts from preschool, and we took back some gifts, so we didn't have to put much toward one.
Now I am working on my 2009 goals. Here is what I have. I am not sure if this is completely done....if I'll add, tweak, etc.
1. Lose 10 pounds in a year
2. Start the three year read through the Bible with the family
3. Have someone over to the house for dessert or a meal every other month, or 6 times this year. (can you tell I am not good at hospitality?)
4. Do a household project every other month (only every other month to help keep expenses down). These are what I have so far:
a. Paint the boy's room
b. stain the deck
c. paint the shutters
d. paint the front porch

So what are your 2009 goals???????


Lydia said... probably don't want to get me started on the home improvements we have planned this next year...lots of painting, some woodwork, yardwork, etc. Makes me tired just to think about it.

Unknown said...

2009 goals...I might set those next month....

sara said...

Cute pictures!

My goals-
1. Bible reading plan
2. Drink more water
3. Talk to the kids more (more quality time with them other than school work)- focus on discipling them

That is about ....the fewer I have maybe I can keep up with it!

Jack said...

Here's some goal setting tips from Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. I just bunched them together.

• Write them down
• Make a plan
• Take massive action toward your goal (now)
• Make a due date/time
• Identify who/what can help with your goal /Get someone to hold you accountable
• List the obstacles
• List the benefits
• Make the goal clear
• Get Certain.
• Get Excited.
• Get Focused.
• Get Committed.
• Get Momentum.

N Verdulla said...

I still need to post mine, I have it typed. Just haven't got around to posting yet.

Mine are:
Lose weight
Do the three year Bible reading plan
Pick a new hobby other than just scrapbooking