Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh, Jacob!!!.......

Jacob keeps me laughing and he doesn't even try too! Tuesday we were driving home from school and as calm as he could be he said "mommy, I think I lost a tooth". (we knew it was loose and we could see the new one pushing through). I turned around and looked and he did lose it. I asked him where it was and once again HE DID NOT KNOW WHERE IT WENT!!!! "Jacob, did it fall in the car?"
"I don't know"
"Did you swallow it"
"I don't know"
I don't know how the little guy has lost two teeth and has no clue where they went!! Once again he was worried about the tooth fairy, and frankly I was too. I had no cash on hand and I knew he would get very upset if nothing showed up SO......I borrowed money from Joshua to pay Jacob!!!!


sara said...

Poor guy! But how exciting, 2 teeth in a week!

Wes just lost his second- thank goodness it didn't take 2 weeks to fall out this time!

Unknown said...

That is TOO funny! Both that again he doesn't know where it is, but even more that you borrowed from Josh to pay Jacob! Haha!

and Sara, I think you need to blog about this 2 week story...

Lydia said...

Poor Kimberly is starting to feel left out, she hasn't lost any teeth yet. She gets it honest, I had to have most of mine pulled- they wouldn't fall out on their own. Weird.